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IB, A Level & GCSE

In Curriculum outdoor education and field studies

We liaise with many international schools and their teachers regularly in China, Hong Kong and the USA. One thing that comes up time and again is justifying their field studies, outdoor education and extra curricular activities to the education board, the parents, and the schools examination system.

It has been repeatedly demonstrated that experiential learning in the natural environment is more effective and powerful in facilitating student learning than traditional classroom instruction. It begs the question as to why most outdoor learning conducted off school grounds are still classified as extracurricular instead of being an integral part of in-curriculum instruction.

Our team have been conducting in depth conversations with many school teachers, as we believe the best information with regards to student learning is provided by frontline staff who deal with students on a daily basis. The consensus amongst them is simple: they would like their students to conduct more of their research in the real world, then use the classroom to enforce that learning with theory backed up by hard data. To this end we have been, working on a range of field studies programmes for IB and IGCSE focusing on Geography.

field studies in china, IGCSE river ecology

Contact Us to get more information on our Geography Field Studies programmes, like our IGCSE River Ecology Program, which is run partly in the classroom and partly on the river.

We starting in the spring of 2013 Zen Quest made it a top priority to start designing programmes that could be run in conjunction with IB, GCSE and A Levels. Where entire lessons, student research and experiments could be delivered in the field. We can achieve this by working with schools, where you are more than just our clients, rather as collaborators in a strive for excellence, providing the leaders of tomorrow with the best educational experiences possible.

Our Partners

We have partnered with Shaxi China, The Ginkgo Society and Yangshuo Mountain Retreat, the best providers of facilities, logistics and accommodation for international students in Yunnan and Guangxi, China. You can find out more about their excellent services on their website or contact them by email here. We are also an affiliate member of the ACAMIS foundation.