Mind, Body and Youth Development
The mind and body is intricately connected and this relationship governs our entire behaviour and outlook in life. Our job as outdoor educator is to train both components to cultivate all rounded individuals capable of dealing with the many challenges they will face in life.
This is especially true for young adult, who needs to build up their character in preparing themselves to enter a highly competitive world. Participants in our programmes can expect to gain leadership qualities that range from: the ability to effectively work in teams; to construct realistic goals, to find a strategy in attaining such goals; to develop interpersonal and communication skills necessary in implementing the strategy, and most importantly the will and perseverance to attain their goals. read more about how we measure this here.
All too often outdoor programmes are hastily put together with various components. However, it is our belief that diversity without convergence is meaningless, programmes that aim to be too multifarious without synergy only serves to diffuse student learning. Our programmes operate according to our client’s specific need, we design modular components to synergistically meet the overarching objectives of our clients. For a great example of how this is accomplished, please see our Spartan Challenge program for more details.
Zen Quest is proud to announce its support as a sponsor of the 2014 ACAMIS (The Association of China and Mongolia International Schools) spring conference. We will be happy to answer questions and give advice on educational delivery in the outdoors. Click here for more information about the conference.