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Shigu, Rainbow Valley

Shigu (事故) is located on the first bend on the Changjiang River (金沙江,长江河) and is famous for being the place where the red army crossed during the long march. One small old bridge still remains and there is a small museum in the village dedicated to this event.


Rainbow valley (彩虹谷), nicknamed for the many rainbows that can be seen here during the summer months, is 4km up into the hills behind the Village. The valley has steep sides rising over 3000m in all directions and is characterised by its conglomerate limestone walls. The first rock climbing was established here in June 2014 on the annual Kailas Rock Search, Eben Farnworth and Zhoulei were on this initial trip. Since then over 100 routes have been established in the valley. Climbing styles include sport, multi pitch and some traditional routes as well.

The local people are mainly Naxi and Lisu; they farm: maze, tobacco, water melons and a range of vegetables. Many of these people do not natively originate from this area, but settled over the last 150 years to work in the timber trade, cutting down the now nearly non existent forests.